"Indeed, Yahweh will comfort Zion, restore her,and comfort all her broken places.He will transform her wilderness into the garden of Bliss,her desert into the garden of Yahweh.Joy and laughter will fill the airwith thanksgiving and joyous melodies." Isaiah 51:3 from The Passion Translation
"Indeed, Yahweh will comfort Zion, restore her,
and comfort all her broken places.He will transform her wilderness into the garden of Bliss,
her desert into the garden of Yahweh.
Joy and laughter will fill the air
with thanksgiving and joyous melodies."
Isaiah 51:3 from The Passion TranslationWELCOME
The Church’s Ministry among Jewish People
The Church’s Ministry among Jewish People
Heritage Centre in Jerusalem
To find out more about the Heritage Centre visit
Heritage Centre in Jerusalem
To find out more about the Heritage Centre visit
CMJ Ireland seeks to remind the Christian Church of its continuing obligations to the Jewish people and endorses the view that Christians have much to learn from Jews and Judaism. That is why we promote, encourage and support engagement between people of the Jewish faith and people of the Christian faith.

CMJ Ireland sees its role within the world wide family as:
How YOU can get involved in the work of CMJ Ireland
How YOU can get involved in the work of CMJ Ireland
- Become a Member and be part of the worldwide CMJ family
- Place information about CMJ in your Church?
- Join with others in your fellowship/ neighbourhood to meet and pray together for the work that is going on in Israel
- Support the work financially
Want to know more email us at cmjireland@hotmail.com
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